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The 6 Best Bathroom Renovation Ideas (2023)

bathroom renovation ideas

Whether you’re looking to increase the value of your home or want a more luxurious and comfortable bathroom, a bathroom refurbishment can be a great option. But where do you start? Check out our top bathroom renovation ideas to get started.

Paint your walls a bright colour

Painting your walls a bright colour is a perfect way to liven up any indoor space and make it appear larger and more open. Not only does painting a wall with a bright hue develop an inviting look that can be incredibly stimulating, but it also allows ample lighting to fill the room without buying extra fixtures. Moreover, you have complete freedom over what colour you choose, so you can easily create a fun, relaxing atmosphere or one filled with energy – whatever matches your mood! Whether it’s a living space, bedroom, or office – painting your walls a bright colour is sure to give the area an attractive new look that will open up the space.

Replace your old showerhead

For a long time, you’ve put up with an old, lacklustre shower head that leaves you wanting more regarding water pressure. Why waste another day feeling like a limp noodle? You can upgrade your current showerhead and feel the difference instantly! Replacing your existing showerhead with a new model is simple and cost-effective. It’s easy to install and requires no specialized tools or skills – connect the new one and enjoy powerful streams of water for days! Furthermore, the improved performance translates to less wasted water, which is an environmentally conscious decision. So why not give yourself the gift of a better showering experience – make the switch today!

Install new tile in the shower or around the bathtub

If you’re looking for a modern and fresh look for your bathroom, installing new tiles is the perfect way to brighten up the space. Whether you want to add a touch of colour with vibrant, bold tiles or keep it classic with sleek and glossy white tiles, you can achieve your desired effect. The best part – whatever pattern and design you choose will instantly transform your shower or bathtub and give the whole room a brand-new look. Plus, with today’s easy-to-install tile options, this project won’t take long and can be accomplished in just an afternoon!

Get rid of any clutter in the bathroom

A bathroom is where people come to prepare and relax, but it can become chaotic if it’s not kept tidy. An essential step in keeping your powder room clean is removing any clutter in the space, including old toiletries and towels. This can be tedious, but having a bathroom free from debris will make the area more inviting and organized. That may help you start your mornings off with less stress and headaches. Getting rid of clutter will also help free up space so you can give your bathroom a facelift — making it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Add some greenery to the space

Adding a little greenery to any space can make such a big difference. Bringing in potted plants is a great way to bring life and energy into any room you want to brighten up. There are many options for choosing the right potted plant – whether you prefer small succulents, lush tropicals, or something a bit more exotic. Whatever you choose, they will provide your space with a pop of colour and the calming presence that only nature has to offer. You don’t even have to be an expert in gardening; if you give them what they need in terms of sunlight, watering and occasional fertilizer, you’ll be surprised at how much love and attention your new plants can give back! A lovely planted pot on the bathroom floor would go down a treat.

Hang up some new artwork or photos

Adding artwork or photos to your home space is a great way to create a spark of personality and help make the area your own. Whether you print out pictures of treasured memories, hang up prints of your favourite artwork, or purchase something unique from an artist in your community, you can’t go wrong when personalising your home. Not only does it add a much-needed change from every day, but it also makes all who enter more comfortable knowing that they are in an area that caters specifically to you. Personalizing your space is an easy, budget-friendly, fun project that can help bring personality into whatever space you choose.


A fresh coat of paint, some new tile, and getting rid of clutter can make a massive difference in the bathroom. Don’t forget to add your personal touch with some artwork or photos. These simple updates will make you feel like you have a brand-new bathroom without spending a fortune.

Contact us today for a free quote if you are considering a new home bathroom installation.

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