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5 Interesting Facts about the Victorian Era

Victorian Era

Did you know that the Victorian era was named after Queen Victoria, who ruled England from 1837 to 1901? Here are five other interesting facts about this fascinating period in history:

The Victorian Era was named after Queen Victoria, who ruled from 1837-1901

The Victorian Era is one of the most heavily discussed and influential periods in British history, spanning nearly 65 years and beginning with Queen Victoria’s ascension to the throne in 1837. In the grand scheme of things, it was a brief epoch, but the Queen’s reign ushered in an era that brought many changes and progressions inside Great Britain and worldwide. From innovations in industrialization, workplace reform, technology improvements, advances in education and expansion of colonial power – even though many civil rights would not be fully addressed until long after 1896 – this period has been characterized by its incredible dynamism and social mobility. Consequently, both acclaimed intellectuals and everyday citizens alike are apt to give great regard to Victoria for all the successes achieved under her majestic leadership.

It was a time of significant change in Britain, with the Industrial Revolution leading to new technologies and increased wealth

The Industrial Revolution was a period of great upheaval and progress in Britain that changed the way of life for its citizens. From the emergence of new manufacturing technologies to the growth of cities, it allowed for increased wealth, expanded trade routes and improved living standards. Even as people continued to struggle with poverty and disease, there were some notable successes, such as the invention of various everyday objects like the locomotive and nuclear weapons. Even though some parts of British life remained unchanged during this time – with class divisions remaining firmly entrenched – this era laid much of the groundwork for modern Britain.

Poverty and crime were also significant problems during the Victorian Era

The Victorian Era was a time of immense poverty, and crime proved to be an ever-present reality. Significant disparities in wealth often created bitterness and resentment among poorer, working-class people, which led to unlawful activities that were often fueled by desperation and necessity. Infamous criminal gangs like the Billsites plagued the streets of London, controlling the underworld through their vile deeds and taking advantage of anyone vulnerable enough to cross their path. Although law enforcement attempted to restore order in society through tougher laws and strict punishments, these methods did little to discourage potential criminals who had no other choice but to commit crimes if they wished to feed themselves or their families.

Many famous authors, such as Charles Dickens, wrote about the problems of society during this time

In the 19th century, looking closer at society often showed the stark reality of life for some people. Poverty and inequality were rampant, with many people suffering in terrible circumstances. During this time, several notable authors, such as Charles Dickens, wrote extensively on these issues. Through their stories, they sought to draw attention to the injustices in society and, in doing so, helped raise public awareness and initiate change. Such works continue to be influential today and stand as a testament to how powerful literature can be when it seeks to highlight social issues.

The Victorian Era was also a time of great exploration, with many British explorers setting off to discover new lands

The Victorian Era was a time of both innovation and exploration. Taking advantage of the advancements in transportation technology brought about by industrialisation, British explorers ventured forth around the world on ambitious missions to uncover lands and cultures that had formerly been unknown to Europeans. For instance, intrepid travellers such as David Livingstone and Richard Francis Burton established significant trade routes through Africa and Asia, while Robert Falcon Scott famously attempted (albeit unsuccessfully) to be the first person ever to reach the South Pole in 1912. This thirst for discovery laid the groundwork for an unprecedented increase in dialogue between nations, allowing cultures from different regions of the planet to meet and exchange ideas for centuries afterwards.


The Victorian Era was a time of significant change in Britain. With the Industrial Revolution came new technologies, increased wealth, and poverty and crime. Many famous authors, such as Charles Dickens, wrote about society’s problems during this time. The Victorian Era was also a time of great exploration, with many British explorers setting off to discover new lands.

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